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Q: Why does the government often allow natural monopolies to exists?
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Enlightenment thinkers

Who believed that government only exists if the people allow it?

Enlightenment thinkers

Who believed the government only exists if the people allow it?

Enlightenment thinkers

Cause and effects government regulation have?

Government regulations can effect pricing and control monopolies. In Canada the government regulations on alcohol allow them to raise the prices and limit its sale to a single government run controlled store.

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barriers to entry

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NO, nor should the government allow natural gas drilling in national parks, either.

Which of the following is true about a firm with a natural monopoly?

It ususally agrees to allow the government to control the price and service provided.

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a wildlife sanctuary is a protected place where government doesnt allow visitors to go in the natural habitats of the animals

What does the French laissez faire mean?

Literally, that means "let it be". A+ =" Let the people do as they choose " It means "allow to do" It is a government policy in which intervention of government is strongly opposed. That policy aims to create an environment in which transactions between private parties are free from state intervention, including restrictive regulations, taxes, tariffs and enforced monopolies.

Does fascism allow private business?

Fascist States, of which Nazi Germany was a subset, are states built on a strong traditional, militaristic, and corporatist outlook. In terms of Corporatism, Fascists allow businesses to function as independently-owned monopolies, whose monopoly is protected by the state in exchange for permitting government direction. So, while privately-owned businesses are permitted, extensive government regulation and commandeering does occur in fascist states.

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The government can only do as much as the people allow them to do

What happened to cribb island?

Cribb Island was resumed by the Australian Government in 1979 to allow the Brisbane Airport runways to be extended. Everything has been demolished and only the old access road exists. No access is allowed to the area any more.