Well, if you have seen her recently, you might want to comment on her attire. For example, "yo qt, dat dress u wearn wuz fly". give her compliments but dont be too obvious. girls want what they cant have. give her compliments but dont be too obvious. girls want what they cant have.
We will always accept compliments because everyone loves a positive statement and/or praise. This does not, however, affect if they are manneredly and give compliments, as well.
nice job.....
She probably doesnt believe that the compliments you are giving her are true. I think you should talk to her and tell her that every compliment you give her is true and tell her shes beautiful. . .etc. Then maybe she will enjoy the compliments more.
"Give my compliments to the chef."
Give her a gift, give her compliments, and do really nice things for her.
Treat them with respect and give them compliments !! :)
just be true to her, she would love those compliments but don't over do it, and if you got swag then that's a bonus :) good luck!
Compliments shouldn't be considered a trade item or and payment for perceived favors in the future. Compliments are something you give to someone out of the goodness of your heart.
Only be yourself, be funny, honest and give her compliments.
When somebody gives you compliments, you can also give them a compliment back or just smile sometimes. Or show your self off.
give them compliments, treat them right, and dress nice