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the pish, las. vegas

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Q: Who were the main three groups of Indians that lived south America before Europeans discovered south America?
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How long were the Indians in North America before Columbus came?

The Native Americans arrived thousands of years before the first Europeans and had very evolved societies.

What Country did the American Indians and Europeans live in before they came to America?

Europeans came from the continent of Europe, which includes countries like England, France and Spain which were the three main countries to colonize the Americas. The American Indians were from America originally, which is why we now call them Native Americans, as they are the natives of america, I.E. they've always lived there.

What was the US called before it was discovered?

Before it was discovered, the US, and America as a whole, had no collective name - because it was not known to the Europeans. The natives did not bother with a name for America because they were more concerned with their territory and the lands claimed by neighboring peoples than with mapping the continent.

Was marijuana used by ancient cultures in the southern US prior to Columbus?

yes, the Indians smoked marijuana before europeans came to America.

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Did Indians have horses before the euorpeans came here?

American Indians didn't have horses, the Spanish brought them when America was discovered. However, it is possible that the Plains Indians DID already have horses, but the central American Indians didn't

Who was in America before the Indians?

Before Indians America had no human population (and perhaps it was better).

When was New Jersey discovered?

If you mean when did European settlers first discover New Jersey, Europeans first came into contact with Lenape Indians living in New Jersey in 1600. It's hard to tell how long the Lenape Indians had been settled there before the Europeans arrived.

The Incas discovered rubber?

no tylor stephenson did Rubber was in use in Central America before Europeans went there. I don't know if it was the Incas who first used it.

Who had been eating corn for centuries before America was discovered?

The Native Americans (Indians) introduced Corn (maize) to the early European settlers.

Who was in the New Hampshire colony before the Europeans arrived?

The Algonquin Indians.