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Q: Who said Leave nothing for tomorrow which can be done today?
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What does the ants worked like no tomorrow mean?

Nothing - the correct phrase is "like there was no tomorrow" and it makes perfect sense as it is, so it's not an idiom. If there was not going to be a tomorrow, you'd try to get as much done today as you possibly could.

How can you be happy tomorrow?

If you accomplish all that you need to get done today.

Never put off 'till tomorrow what can be done today?

Thomas Jefferson The quote is: "Never put off tomorrow what you can do today"

Never put off till tomorrow?

Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Putting it off until tomorrow might mean that it never gets done.

What should you do if a report on an explorer is due tomorrow and you know nothing about the explorer?

The first thing you have to do is research the explorer. When you are done reserching, write your report.

What is the meaning of this quote. Yesterday is history. The future is a mystery. Today is a gift. That is why it is called the present?

A present, is not always a gift!It means run your life, take chances, and you don't know what is going to happen tomorrow. Yesterday happened already so just do today and today is a gif.AnswerYesterday is history = The day before this is past, nothing can be done about it but to reflect.The future is a mystery = No one can know what tomorrow will bring, so there is no reason to worry about it.Today is a gift. = Take each day as it comes, for what it is. Use today to its fullest, there will be no other chance to do so.

What soliloquies did 'Macbeth' have?

Loads. "Is this a dagger which I see before me", "If it were done when 'tis done, then it were well it were done quickly", and "Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps in this petty pace from day to day" leap to mind.

Questions with modals in passive voice?

Can the work be done tomorrow Will the work be done tomorrow Should the mail be posted tonight etc

What is the meaning of the Spanish word manyana?

It is spelled mañana, and it means either "tomorrow", or "morning", depending on how it is used. It actually means "NOT today" and anyone who's ever tried to get anything done in any Hispanic country will understand perfectly the subtle difference between "Tomorrow" and "not today". Reading between the lines, when you ask a Spaniard to do something for you and they say Manana, what they actually mean is "What you asked me to do is not important (to me) and I'll get around to it when I can be bothered"

What do you do if your speech is due tomorrow?

well if our speech is due tomorrow then i would work on it till im done it

What did Marco have to do to be allowed to leave china?

he done nothing to be allow to leave china because he serve a man and was prove to be a man with a sprirt of bravely and he travel to any place he wanted to find...............

What does the phrase don't put off until tomorrow what can be done today?

means that you could make your day busier if you put it off till tomorrow