There is actually too many people in the world that is considered to be the fastest in the world.
Officially, the title for fastest single time and average for the 3x3x3 are held by Feliks Zemdegs, although many people are catching up, some people don't go to competitions, and people usually don't do as well in competition as practicing.
the rubiks cube the rubiks cube
the Rubik's cube world fair was held in knoxville, in 1982
No. Unless you buy the electronic rubiks cube called rubiks revolution. It has different games.
Mats Valk holds the current world record in solving the rubik's cube. He did it in 5.55 seconds. Pretty fast right? I can just give it a look at the cube in that much time. :P
well the best rubks cube solver in the world is crisjames.... becuze he owns everything
The world record for the fastest completion of a Rubiks Cube was set in March 2013 by the Dutchman Mats Valk. His time was set at 5.55 at the Zonhoven Open in Belgium.
a rubix cube!! :)
Rubiks Cube was invented in 1974
Rubiks Cube, Nissan Cube, Cheddar Cube, and Sugar Cube.
It is called who uses the rubiks anymore!?!?
Rubiks 360