No there are only 4 Bionicle books,Bionicle ChroniclesBionicle AdventuresBionicle LegendsBionicle Super Chapter Books (The Unofficial Bara Magna Trilogy)
a really cool author of many bionicle stories
There will be no 'Bionicle 5' because they are ending bionicle sets.
BIONICLE: Mask of light, BIONICLE 2 : Legends of metru nui, BIONICLE 3 : Web of shadows, and the newest one BIONICLE 4 : the legend reborn.
Actually, the book can be found in bookstores everywhere such as Barnes and Nobles.
It already did and it was free but now you can't get it. But you can get it at my page, and get it.
yes on bionicle .com
There are no bionicle ceats
bionicle stars are bionicle in 2010 they are like matoran sized[2008] and every bionicle star has a gold piece and when you have all you can add them to tahu for armourer + if you go on you will find all about the bionicle star =]
Bionicle Mask of Light.
The Lego Company® created Bionicle.
The Bionicle Stars are the new type of bionicles