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History of War is a collectible-strategy-card-game of average complexity that has no rarity or random distribution - which separates it from most of the other TCGs/CCGs. Each set contains the same cards! Purpose of the game is to conquer map-cards with ground units, aircraft and ships similar in the mechanics to the Warhammer 40.000 card game.

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11y ago

It's impossible to know who invented the card game war. It's existence can be traced back hundreds of years with no notations of who created it or why.

This is true for many historically old games, they had been passed down in various forms for generations usually by word of mouth; often from cultures that did not keep records for trivial information, especially in locations and time periods where reading and writing were not common among the general population.

Most old card games can not be tracked back to a singular inventor but instead come from generations of older games constantly being revised and updated as they are passed on to new players. Its only in the last 200 years or so and with the invention of the printing press (and the ability to record accurately large amounts of trivial information) that widespread rules for games have become more stable and maintained recognizable names.

There are more than a dozen variations of the card game war; most are too old to have credited inventors.

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