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In the first movie it's Takua

In the second and third movie it's Vakama

In the fourth Movie it's Mata Nui.

The 4 movies don't cover the entire saga though. The entire Bionicle saga is very long chronologically. At certain points, old characters die or become irrelevant while new ones get introduced.

From a very rough point of view, I'd say, that Vakama's story had a very huge impact on the entire saga because he and his fellow Toa managed to defeat Makuta Teridax.

But Takua is also very important because he was present very long ago in the past and he is the 7th Toa of light.

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8y ago

Depending on the series, there may be a different main character. You can, collectively, say that the Toas are probably the main characters in any series though. For the original series, Tahu and the Makuta were main characters.

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11y ago

In Bionicle Tahu there are 6 main characters, both males and females, they are knows and Toa Mata. Most of them are heroes. The first character was Helryx.

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What are bionicle stars?

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Yes! The Bionicle Stars, (Tahu, Takanuva, Pirakah, Gresh, Skrall, Rahkshi) but unfortunately they are the last. :(

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The very very very very very very, first bionicle ever was Tahu but Tahu got sent on product on the second ones even know that it was first weird but that's bionicle history very confusing as well.

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yes they are also going to make more older ones they will be sold in 2010

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