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Q: Which sound device is expressed by the bolded words?
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Which sound device is expressed by the bolded words There rests her hand upon the face of Earth.?

The sound device expressed by the bolded words is alliteration. Alliteration is the repetition of initial consonant sounds in neighboring words.

Which sound device is expressed by the bolded words When the people doze They sleep in rows.?


Which sound device is expressed by doze and rows?

Assonance is the sound device expressed by the words "doze" and "rows" because they share a similar vowel sound.

What literary sound device is expressed in Roses are red Violets are blue Sugar is sweet And so are you?

Rhyme is the literary sound device expressed in the poem "Roses are red, Violets are blue, Sugar is sweet, And so are you." Rhyme is the repetition of similar sounds in two or more words, typically at the end of lines in poems.

What are the bolded words called in a dictionary?

The bolded words in a dictionary are typically referred to as "headwords" or "entry words". These words are used to locate and access definitions, pronunciations, and other information in the dictionary.

Why do people accept the non logic words in the songs?

illogical words are just an expression of emotion that could not be expressed in a logical word or words. it's a feeling expressed through sound.

What is it called when you describe a sound?

Describing a sound in words is known as onomatopoeia. This literary device uses words that imitate or suggest the source of the sound being described.

Calcium is essential for strong bones and teeth What kind of phrase are the bolded words?

Unfortunately the software used by does not show us bolded words in questions. Would you please resubmit your question using, say, quotation marks around the words your asking about?

What poetic device involves repeating a sound at the beginning of words or syllables?

Alliteration is the poetic device that involves repeating a sound at the beginning of words or syllables. This device is commonly used to create rhythm, emphasize certain words or themes, and add musicality to the text.

What element of medieval romance is illustrated by the bolded words?


In Annabel lee line 34 i an example of what sound device?

The sound device used in line 34 of "Annabel Lee" is alliteration, where consecutive words start with the same sound or letter, such as in "chilling and killing".

How should the bolded words in the sentence be contracted?

Please provide the specific sentence with the bolded words so I can assist you with the contraction.