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A classic practical joke that you see a lot in television is the spring load snake in a peanut brittle can. They have had to update the cans with more modern labels to help keep this prank viable.

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8y ago

the adjective is the word "practical", because it is describing what type of jokes.....

(An adjective describes a noun)

The reason it is not the word "many" is because "of his many" is a prepositional phrase, and the word "many" is the object of the preposition....

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12y ago

An adjective modifies a noun. The only noun in the sentence is jokes. That means that the word PRACTICAL is the adjective since it modifies jokes. What kind of jokes? Practical jokes.

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Q: Which one is an adjective That is one of his many practical jokes?
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That is one of his many practical jokes adjective or proverb?

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One can find joke about the causes and symptoms of IBS on sites like all jokes, heel that pain jokes, jokes forever, million jokes, jokes for life and many more.

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One can find jokes about burning feet by running across hot coals on sites like all jokes, pain jokes, million jokes and many more. One can also find jokes from joke books which one can find at retails stores.

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Wanda makes many jokes. One of Wanda's jokes is about farting.

Where can one find some corny jokes?

Corny jokes many be found at the Funny or Die website. One may also find corny jokes at A Corny Joke a Day, Iowa Source, Great Clean Jokes, The Oatmeal and Fat Wallet.

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Punjablinks is a website that features many types of Punjabi jokes. Some other sites that have these kinds of funny jokes are Funenclave and Ludhianaonline.

Where can one read lawyer jokes?

One can read lawyer jokes at a variety of different websites including Jokes, Jokes Gallery, and Jokes Warehouse. One can also look through joke books at one's local library.