Camels are a zoo animal. Additional zoo animals include cheetah, chimpanzee, crocodile, cobra and copperhead.
cat, cow, camel
Some mammals beginning with the letter C are:camelchimpanzeecoyotechihuahuacheetahcatcowcaribouchipmunkcivetcapybarachamois
· uakari
Some qualities that start with the letter C are:carelesscaringclearcomfortablecharitablecushionedclevercoldcautiouscolorfulcheerfulconfused
Some spices that start with the letter C are:cardamoncorianderclovechilicinnamoncelery seed
wolf walrus weasel
Yeti? Yak.
Jaguar Jackal
Some beverages that start with the letter C are:chamomile teachampagnecoffeecocoachardonnaycola
mammals beginning with h:hamsterhorsehippopotamushare
orangutanif birds countowlostrich
Anteater, antelope, ass, aardvark