M and N Eight states start with the letter M and eight states start with the letter N.
NebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth Dakota
No river in the United States starts with the letter X.
There is one US state that starts with the letter "U", Utah
There are four US states that begin with the letter A. These are:AlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansas(These are in alphabetical order.)
2 - Kentucky and Kansas
US states that start with the letter "O"OhioOklahomaOregon
14 US states have the letter L in their names, but only 1 starts with L, Louisiana.
US states that start with the letter "S"South CarolinaSouth Dakota
Pennsylvania is the only US state that starts with the letter P.The following US states have the letter P or multiple P's in their name:Mississippi (MS)New Hampshire (NH)
Hawaii is the only state that starts with an H.
No states in the US. England and Eritrea.
Utah is the only state that starts with the letter U.
The Philippines has the provinces of Quezon and Quirino. No US states start with the letter 'Q'.