North Carolina is farther east than North Dakota.
North Carolina is farther east than North Dakota.
North Carolina is farther east than North Dakota.
Well, honey, North Dakota is farther east than North Carolina. North Dakota is located at a higher latitude than North Carolina, which means it's farther east in terms of longitude. So, if you're looking to catch the sunrise first, head on over to North Dakota.
South Dakota is farther west than either North Carolina or West Virginia. North Carolina is located on the east coast of the United States. West Virginia is located about 80 miles north of North Carolina.
Yes, North Carolina is farther east than North Dakota. North Carolina is located on the east coast of the United States, while North Dakota is located in the north central area of the United States.
To get to South Dakota from North Carolina, you travel northwest, mostly west. They are approximately 2500 miles apart and it takes approximately 25 hours, depending on where you start in North Carolina and your destination in South Dakota.
South Carolina is farther east.
The five states in the United States that begin with a direction on the compass rose are North Carolina, South Carolina, West Virginia, and South Dakota. There is no state that begins with "East."
There are eight states in the United States that have North, East, South, or West in their name: North Carolina, South Carolina, West Virginia, Virginia, South Dakota, North Dakota, West Virginia, and New Hampshire.
Mostly east with a fair jog to the south. It's more than 2500 miles and takes over 25 hours to get from South Dakota to North Carolina
There are 5 US states that have "directions" (north, south, east, or west) in their names : North Carolina, South Carolina, North Dakota, South Dakota, and West Virginia.