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Both guns are of supreme quality and performance. The Alpha Trooper has slam-firing and 18-round drum clip. Out of the box, it gets 30+ ft. ranges. Good for assault. The Longshot is a bolt-action clip system blaster that can fit an extra clip (it comes with an extra one) in the stock. You can take off the attachment, which is a failure of a gun (gets 10-15 ft. ranges out of the box). Out of the box, the Longshot gets 35+ ft. ranges. I suggest Alpha Trooper if you want to go all-out, and Longshot if you want to snipe of enemies 1 by 1. As for modding, the Longshot has crazy modding capabilities. With a few simple mods and removals, the Longshot can break 50 ft. Hope this will help.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Yes, it is. The Alpha Trooper offers lots of its cheap price. It comes with 18 darts and a drum, which is a good thing to get and use of other blasters since it works on every Clip System blaster. It can also slam fire, which is a great option since only two blasters utilize this feature. It isn't too big, but isn't expensive either so it is a good buy. I got mine for $24 and I love it.

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βˆ™ 12y ago


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Q: Which is better the Nerf longshot or Nerf alpha trooper?
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