definatily music star: i just got one like 1 day ago and i absoulutaly LOVE it! definatily music star: i just got one like 1 day ago and i absoulutaly LOVE it! definatily music star: i just got one like 1 day ago and i absoulutaly LOVE it!
the tamagotchi music star is better ive got 1 myself
no they cant
v5 is familitchi sorry, look in the stats screen
Yes, but niether of them can connect to a v4.5 or a v3.
Sadly, no. But V5 can connect with V6 (music star.)
If you have a V5 then you have to go to the heart icon and press others you do the same thing with the V6 or Music Star Hope this helped!!!!:)
If you mean v5.5 and v5 then yes, go to the conncection icon, select OTHERS on music star and V5 on Version 5/.5 then game on version 5/.5 then B on v5/.5 I hope I helped
You see where it says, Click Here To Enter Music City? In the top left corner there is a button that says, Click to enter with your v5 toy. Click that.
As far as I know, you CAN'T connect a V4.5 Tamagotchi with a V5 Tamagotchi. That is because of the number of Tamagotchi's displayed- Since the V5 usually has 3 Tamas displayed, and all the Versions before the V5 have only one tamagotchi displayed, the cannot connect. BUT, a V5 can connect with a V5, V5.5 and a V6! The V4 can connect with all the previous versions, including the V4.5. Hope I helped! BTW (by the way) I'm sorry but there is no 5.5, and v6 can only connect with V. 5 heh........ don't you just press 'others' when u connect
dont think so. it can only connect to the v5. but u might need to double check that. just try it out and if it doesnt work, you know your answer! THE INSTRUCTIONS SAY THAT IT CAN ONLY RECENTLY CONNECT TO v5 ONLY.
well first, which kind of tamagotchi? v1,v2,v3,v4,v4.5,v5,tamagotchi music star? you need more details but here is a good website of information.
You can't connect it to previous versions (4.5 and below) You can how ever, connect it to another v5, a v.5 or a music star (v6) To connect with a v5/v.5 press A 5 times, then B, then select "V5" on both tamagotchis and then select game and press B. They must be at least 10 Cms apart. To connect to a V6, you press A 5 times on the V5 and A 8 times on a music star, on the V5, select V5, then game and on music star, press other, then press B on the V5. I hope this helped!^^