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There is no such thing, well in real nerf guns anyway. It may exist in a game - I'm not familiar with nerf games, but it DOES NOT exist as a real nerf gun

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Q: Where to Buy a Nerf N strike redshift CS 12?
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Where to Buy a Nerf N-strike redshift CS-12?

The redshift will not be coming out, but a new gun called the longstrike, pretty much the cross between the longshot and the redshift, will be coming out in spring of 2010learn more about the longstrike at:

Where can you buy a Nerf redshift-12 in the UK?

Its not real give it up.

Where can you buy the red shift Nerf gun?

Unfortunately the Nerf RedShift CS-12 was a video-game exclusive blaster and is not available for purchase.

Is the Nerf redshift cs-12 coming out?

No because it is a video game exclusive Nerf blaster, so it will not be released.

When dus the Nerf redshift cs-12 come?

it is unknown if it will comeout but it would be cool

When will the Nerf redshift CS-12 come out?

Likely never, as it was a video game exclusive Nerf blaster.

Where do you buy Nerf 2 n strike elite in UK?

from what i know it is not released until 1/08/12

When is the Nerf redshift cs 12 coming out?

The Redshift CS-12 isn't coming out, it is only a concept weapon form the wii game. The Stampede REV-12 an the Spartan NCS-12 are coming out though.

Will the spartan ncs-12 ever come out?

It may vary from the Nerf N-Strike Spartan NCS-12 to the Nerf N-Strike Stampede Rev-12. Since it is Nerf's 40th anniversary, it may depend, because Nerf (Hasbro) have to choose the right "gun" for their anniversary. But the Nerf N-Strike Longstrike CS-6 and the Nerf N-Strike Deploy CS-6 is all ready released, due to the anniversary.

How far does the Nerf redshift cs-12 shoot?

doesnt exist\improvement- same as normal longshot

Where do you get the RedShift CS-12 from?

To my knowledge that Nerf weapon is currently not available to the general public but will be released in later years to com.

Is the redshift cs-12 coming out?

As of now, there is no announcement or confirmation regarding the release of a product named "redshift cs-12." It is best to check with the manufacturer or official sources for any updates on upcoming releases.