There is no such thing, well in real nerf guns anyway. It may exist in a game - I'm not familiar with nerf games, but it DOES NOT exist as a real nerf gun
The redshift will not be coming out, but a new gun called the longstrike, pretty much the cross between the longshot and the redshift, will be coming out in spring of 2010learn more about the longstrike at:
Its not real give it up.
Unfortunately the Nerf RedShift CS-12 was a video-game exclusive blaster and is not available for purchase.
No because it is a video game exclusive Nerf blaster, so it will not be released.
it is unknown if it will comeout but it would be cool
Likely never, as it was a video game exclusive Nerf blaster.
from what i know it is not released until 1/08/12
The Redshift CS-12 isn't coming out, it is only a concept weapon form the wii game. The Stampede REV-12 an the Spartan NCS-12 are coming out though.
It may vary from the Nerf N-Strike Spartan NCS-12 to the Nerf N-Strike Stampede Rev-12. Since it is Nerf's 40th anniversary, it may depend, because Nerf (Hasbro) have to choose the right "gun" for their anniversary. But the Nerf N-Strike Longstrike CS-6 and the Nerf N-Strike Deploy CS-6 is all ready released, due to the anniversary.
doesnt exist\improvement- same as normal longshot
To my knowledge that Nerf weapon is currently not available to the general public but will be released in later years to com.
As of now, there is no announcement or confirmation regarding the release of a product named "redshift cs-12." It is best to check with the manufacturer or official sources for any updates on upcoming releases.