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you go to you tube then type it in

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Q: Where is the nicktropolis newsltter?
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No she does not have a nicktropolis account

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Why did they take hotel for dogs out of nicktropolis?

they toke this hotel for dogs off nicktropolis because it had some beta problems but they are improving it and are going to put it back on the nicktropolis this was informed by mrtropolis from nicktropolis blog hpkpawsome is my nicktropolis name

Is nicktropolis free?

yes nicktropolis is free, no worries!

How do you start an account on Nicktropolis?

To start an account on Nicktropolis go to this web address:http:/

Secret rooms on nicktropolis goldfish?

Its in the nicktropolis map now

Where is the treasure room on nicktropolis?

They took it out of nicktropolis now its closed

How do you get to the secret store in nicktropolis?

i have links to all the secret rooms in nicktropSecret Newsletter Store: Tak Store: Tak Store: Newsletter Outfitters: Stage

Where is the Harry Potter store in Nicktropolis?

Sadly, Nicktropolis is closed u.u

Where is the nicktropolis newsletters?

you have to go on you tube and type nicktropolis secret room

Who is nickmare?

Nickmare's Biography:Nickmare is a and a Nicktropolis moderator. She often while goes on Nicktropolis because she is VERY busy. She monitors a lot of boards on the Nickelodeon Message Boards like the Nicktropolis Message Board, Nicktropolis Blog, etc. Nickmare was last on Nicktropolis July 2009. She chose her Nickname "NICKMare" because she likes Mare horses "female horse".Nickmare doesn't get to go on Nicktropolis for so long she sometimes forgets what certain events and stuff happens in Nicktropolis.. . . You have to be at least an adult to be a moderator

What is the link to the secret kca store in nicktropolis?

go to nicktropolis and talk to people