ErmErm The Tip End AmreicaAmreicaCoz Coz He Starts In New Zealand. Then He Heads North Home Hope That Was Okay Lauren The above answer is very accurate. However, due to the technology today, Santa is very aware that he has been tracked by radar in resent years, and he noticed it took away from the anticipation as to when he would arrive in particular areas. Thus, after take off he now often changes his route and has coated his sled and reindeer with state of the art stealth material so as to not be picked up by radar. Well, at least that's what I have been!
Santa Claus starts to deliver presents the night before Christmas.
The Journey's End was created in 1972.
A Journey's End was created in 1998.
At the North Pole.
when did hernan corteses journey end
where did Juan Cabrillo end his journey
Santa would finish delivering the presesnts at 1pm GMT-0
The NORAD Santa is a tracker. It tells where Santa is during his magical journey. This is proof that santa is real because his activities and location can be tracked.
Journey to the End of the Whale was created in 2005.
Journey to the End of Coal was created in 2008.
Journey to the End of the Knife was created in 2000.
Journey to the End of the Night was created in 1932.