

Where can you buy mancala?

Updated: 10/25/2022
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15y ago

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You can buy mancala at Target.

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Where can you buy the African game Mancala?

Try and search for Mancala. They say they have it and it is reasonably priced.

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Mancala networks was created in 2009.

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The room above the coffee shop is where you can play Mancala.

How do you spell the word mancala?

Mancala is the correct spelling.It is a type of classic board game that requires logic, strategy and planning to win.

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Is it possible to play Mancala with 1 player?

No it is phcicaly impossible. If you are "playing" Mancala with 1 player you are playing it WRONG.

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Did the Romans invent Mancala board games?

No, the earliest records of Mancala seem to from Eritrea and Ethiopia daving from the 6th and 7th centuries CE.

Was mancala played during the renaissance?

Mancala was played in Africa but there is no documentation to show that the game made it to Europe prior to the British occupations in Africa.