A very cheap place you can buy them is amazon i bought one for like 12.99 and it was a V.6 if you go to ebay people want to steal your money they sell them for 40.00 35.00 I've seen some for 60.00 even, and there used!!!!!! the one i bought was new in the package.
argos asda and tesco
there are no tamagotchis there but in kmart,toywiz and toy rus
Yes I really want to know that too!
walmart game section! check walmart.com and do a search
no but you can get cheats!
you can buy v6's (music) tamagotchis at walmart, target, toys r us, e-bay
you can buy cheap water at varartas
Mametchi is the main character of all the tamagotchis! Or you could say mascot of all tamagotchis.
you can buy a cheap one at gamestop
You can buy cheap hangers at FashionTIY.