Trash and old playground items to be replaced by new playground items.
You can sell items on buildabearville but not furry friend items.
To get buildabearville manager items you have to work at babw and be a acual manager so they are very rare :)
Just go to and type in buildabearville insider and click on the 1st link!!!!!
How do you quit buildabearville You can't quit buildabearville. Though you can give your buildabearville account to your friends or something or you can never go on it again and remove all your friends on buildabearville (This answer may be wrong in a couple of years).
Playground rules to teach your children should include not pushing, being considerate of other children's items and behaving in a non threatening manner to all.
There are no national stores which sell playground equipment for schools. You can get some items at Lowes and Home Depot but its not school playground quality.
First of all no one at all is allowed to go to Hugsville and Friendship Valley on buildabearville! Even if you have the bracelet etc. My name is EdenBlue9 I can give you items if you want
a buildabearville code is 12 letters and numbers or just numbers put together into a code. which u can use at the build-a-bear-workshop at the town square to get free items, money, or u can use the code to bring a animal to life. one buildabearville code is '''TK3Z-6V8PV48L another code is milk-rcks-2008 '''
They are only in constuction on buildabearville to upgrade it , or make it better.
The pieces are scattered all around Buildabearville.