You can't. The only time you can get multiples on tamagotchis is when you get a v5, whereas you get 3.
That means you just need to reset it and start over you killed your tamagotchi
The Match Maker will look through a book and choose the right match for your Tamagotchi, just leave him/her alone while he/she looks through their book. After they've chosen, it should come up with another Tamagotchi and a sign saying "Marry? Yes/No?" or something. It's your chose if you want THEM to marry or if you want them NOT to marry.(NOTE) If your Tamagotchi never marries, it will get old and die without a child to continue where it left off. This means, you will have to create a new Tamagotchi and start all over again.
Press the reset button on the back and start over with a new egg.
I'm not sure but me and my sister have over 30 tamagotchis put together but about 2 years ago I remember looking on the web of this girl who had pictures of the Tamas she owned which her over 100! I've tried to find the web page again but I can't find it.
Your tamagotchis travel- it goes 3 different places and repeats over and over until you press c button and choose 'come back'. There is no pause button so it is a substitute button for it-everything stops, growth, etc. As if nothing ever happened
Normally, it takes 30 minutes for your tamagotchi to change into a child. It sleeps for 30 minutes and when it wakes up it turns into a child/toddler. You have to wait for 1 day to become a teenager. After you become a teenager, you have to wait 3 days to become a adult. If you choose to have a baby, your generation continues. If not, you will either become an old tamagotchi. Oyatjychi is the boy one i think. Sorry if its not correct.
Depending on your Tamagotchi. If it is a v4 and up, than no. if not, i do not know.
There has been over 44 versions created since the first created tamagotchi.
turns over strong. might start and run for a couple of blocks but then dies.
You start over and have to re install pou again
You can play games , meet other tamagotchi's you can get your tamagotchi pregnant and basically just look after it :) And you can do over 10 diffrent jobs (new only on v4)