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The Semperfire EBF-200 will never come out, it is just a concept weapon from the wii game. The Stampede REV-12 and the Spartan NCS-12 may come out though. Sorry.

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13y ago

It is never going to come out. It is a video-game exclusive weapon.

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Q: When is the Nerf semper fire coming out?
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at the main menu go to codes and tipe in cromo1

What gun beats tango in Nerf wii?

use the semper fire ultra it is beast here the code for it cromo1 trust me

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Yes.More series are coming out.

What Nerf guns are coming spring 2011?

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What Nerf Products are coming out?

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What Nerf gun is coming out in 2010?

The Nerf Long Strike cs-6 is coming out Spring 2010. These are Nerf blasters that maybe will come out: The Nerf Bull Shark gl-8, the Nerf Icarus hm-7, and the Nerf Cerberus cs-12.dgamer297Well I think the Nerf barricade will come out in December in Canada.

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It is rumored that the Nerf Vengeance REV-8 is going to be coming out in 2010. Though the Nerf Vengeance appeared in the Nerf N-Strike game, Nerf hasn't said anything to prove it will come out in real life (in 2010).

When is the Nerf redshift coming out?

It isn't. The Nerf Longstrike, however, looks simaler, and is out.