

When did AFJROTC begin?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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Related questions

Where can you replace AFJROTC ribbons?

You can try replacing AFJROTC ribbons at military supply stores, uniform shops, or online military retailers. Reach out to your local AFJROTC unit or check with your school for more specific information and recommendations.

Who is the cadet commander of geamantown high AFJROTC in philadelphia?

martin howey

What AFJROTC stands for?

Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps

Are chest medals permitted to be worn on the AFJROTC short sleeve blue blouse?


Does Marine Corps JROTC us squads?

To answer your question, yes. However, an MCJROTC squad is not the same thing as say an AFJROTC squad. While in AFJROTC it goes Squad, Wind, then element, in MCJROTC it goes Company, Platoon, Squad. This isn't a very good explanation

Is their a proper way to wear your afjrotc ribbions?

yes on the oppposite side of your name tag from highest to lowest

Where can you get replacement AFJROTC National Awards?

Had the same problem, go to they have a lot of Medal and Ribbon replacements.

How many people do you need for a unarmed drill team for AFJROTC?

you need 12 usually for regular drill meets/comps.

Do you get a scholarship for AFJROTC in high school?

You don't automatically receive one, but you can apply, and even win some money through awards.

How do I put a rank on my blue AFJROTC collar?

Since you wear the blue shirt unbuttoned, the ranks should be centered but pointing out towards the tip of the collar.

Why are cadets prohibited from wearing AFJROTC uniforms at student demonstrations and other political events?

To keep it from seeming that the military supports one candidate more than the other.

What did John Stafford Smith write the the starspangled banner?

First of all it was Francis Scott Key the reason why he wrote it so Americans had a poem to reflect back to the battle at Fort Mchenry. trust me im studying it in AFJROTC.