What is a short club and how do you answer it?
A "Short Club" in American 5-Card Standard bridge (and there may
be other standards as well) is an opening bid which could show a
hand holding as few as only 2 Clubs. It is used for an
opening-point hand which does not have a five-card major, nor a 1NT
point-count and distribution. The classic responses are: If played
as a forcing bid (i.e., you cannot pass), with less than 6 pts, bid
1D. If not forcing with 0-5, pass. 6-9 points: Bid a four+-card
major, or without a 4-card major, bid five-card diamond on the
one-level (if not playing forcing), raise to 2 Clubs if holding
5+clubs or 1NT if balanced with 3+clubs and no four-card major. 10+
points: Bid a four+-card major, or without a 4-card major, bid a
five-card diamond (at 1 or 2 level with interferring bid) or 2NT if
balanced with 3+clubs and no four-card major. Most play "better of
the minors" or "convenient minor" where, without a 5-card major, if
1 Club, is opened, it would never be as short as two: either the
other minor (diamonds) will have three or more cards and/or you
would have a five-card major which would be opened instead.