today Before yesterday passed, it was today. When tomorrow comes, it will be today.
Today If this is Wednesday, then on Tuesday, Wednesday was 'tomorrow', and on Thursday it will be 'yesterday'.
Tomorrow's Yesterday was created in 2006.
Today is tomorrow.
tomorrow's yesterday
Friday! (tomorrow)
day beforer yesterday
The duration of Tomorrow's Yesterday is 1680.0 seconds.
No, tomorrow is yesterday's future since tomorrow hasn't yet happened. But you could say yesterday is tomorrow's past since it has already happened.
ok lets say today is monday. and if today is monday and today is tomorrow then tomorrow would be monday. then yesterday would be monday because tomorrow is yesterday.
If today is tomorrow, then yesterday's tomorrow is today.Another answer: Yesterday's tomorrow is today. This is a fact. This is reality.But if what we think is today is really tommorow, then we are a day behind! So rather than yesterday's tomorrow being today, 'yesterday's tomorrow' must be one more day than today, i.e. it must be tomorrow!
Today is the present. Tomorrow is the future. Yesterday is the past. Tomorrow as yesterday happens the day after. Incidentally, tomorrow never comes.
Tomorrow Is Yesterday was created on 1967-01-26.