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give me a sample of what is a consence

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Q: What words have consonant consonant consnant consonant consonant?
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What words are consonant consonant consonant consonant consonant consonant pattern?

There are no common English words with 6 consonants and no vowels. However, the compound words archchronicler, catchphrase, and latchstring all have 6 consonants in a row.

What words have a consonant blend?

20 words with consonant blend

What words end in a consonant?

Words such as "cat," "dog," "book," and "bird" end in a consonant.

Words ending in consonant?

Some words that end in a consonant are:aboutborncolddreadeatfarmguardharpinvalidjunkkitchenlampmannationowlpoolquartrustspoonurgentvaultwestXmasyearzircon

What words fit consonant vowel consonant vowel consonant vowel?


What is CVCe words?

consonant vowel consonant ending in e

Words with consonant blends are easier to spell when?

Words with consonant blends are easier to spell when they only have a single consonant. In general, they can only have to three consonants.

What is a consnant?

A consonant is a speech sound that is produced by obstructing the airflow in some way as it passes from the vocal cords through the mouth. Consonants are one of the two main categories of speech sounds, along with vowels. Examples of consonants include the sounds "b," "t," and "r."

How are these words alike held hold mild?

End in "ld"; consonant, vowel, consonant, consonant (cvcc)

What words start with a consonant a vowel and another consonant?

Mississippi There are probably thousands of words that start that way.

What words fit the pattern of consonant vowel consonant consonant vowel consonant?

Some words that fit this pattern are "basket" and "pencil."

Is icicles vowel or consonant vowel?

"icicles" is: vowel, consonant, vowel, consonant, consonant, vowel, consonant. Or VCVCCVC. If that's even what you mean. There are words referred to as "consonant, vowel, consonant" words, but they are always three letters long. A "consonant vowel" word would only be two letter long, like : be. So I'm not sure what you're asking here.