Word that have a short U (uh) sound:
done, dove, donkey, dozen
monk, monkey
some, son
(Similarly the OO sounds like a short U in blood and flood.)
When words starts with a,e,i,o,u then we put an in front of these words. and those words which are sounds like wovels for example hour we pronounced it as our.
The "o" in the words "to" and "do" is short. It is pronounced as /Κ/ in both words.
One common spelling rule for words with a hard "c" sound is that it is usually followed by the vowels "a," "o," or "u" (e.g. cat, cot, cup). For words with a hard "g" sound, it is often followed by the vowels "a," "o," or "u" as well (e.g. gap, got, gum).
Some sample words for the short vowel sounds are listed below: a - cap e - bet i - kit o - not u - cut If you want to make those words into words with long vowel sounds see this list: a - cape e - beet i - kite o - note u - cute You might notice that in each example an e was added to the word to make it a long vowel sound. Did you notice that the extra e in beet is not at the end of the word like the others? It works that way sometimes.
Rain and cape have long A sounds; ran and cap have short A's. Bead and neat have long E sounds; bed and net have short E's. Pile and ride have long I sounds; pill and rid have short I's. Hope and wrote have long O sounds; hop and rot have short O's. Mute and pure have long U sounds; mutt and purr have short U's.
No. These words have no A sounds. Want and wanted have three possible sounds: short O, caret O, or short U. (wont, wawnt, wunt) Was has either a short O or short U sound (woz, wuz). Hear has the EA pronounced as an R-shaped long E (caret I) to rhyme with beer.
No. The word "your" has a silent U, because the OU sounds like a short O (yor).
Because it's pronounced as yewnit. The use of 'a' and 'an' depends on prinunciation, not spelling. Compare words like 'a uniform', 'an hour', ...because the U in unit sounds like "yoo." "An" is put if the beginning of the word sounds like a vowel. that's why it's "an hour" instead of "a hour." the H sounds like an O.
A, i, and u can be doubled for emphasis. ... A, i, and u are called prime vowels in Alutiiq. ... ai - sounds like the ay in βbayβ au - sounds like the ou in βoutβ or the ow in βgrowβ ia - sounds like ya in βyachtβ ua - sounds like wa, in βwalkβ iu - sounds like βyouβ ui - sounds like βweβ
Spanish words ending in -r take the accent on the final syllable. Also, European vowels are not diphthongs, as in English, so the the o sounds a bit more like awe than like owe, the u sounds like oo. Say awkool-TAR
The letter C will usually take a hard sound when A, O, or U comes after the C and when the C sounds like K.Example:CameraCucumberCulpritDecorationTacoVocal
The words bag, hat, and has all have short A sounds. The word was has either a short O or short U sound (woz, wuz). The word want can have three different sounds, none of them a short A: - short O as in font - caret O as in haunt (British English) - short U (colloquial English, to rhyme with hunt)