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lies, flies, lillies, monies,

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Q: What words end in ies?
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Words that use ies at the end?

Some words that end in "ies" are babies, puppies, and hobbies.

What words begin with the letter p and end in ies?


Words that end in ies?

spies ponies armies bullies babies

What happens to words that end in y?

Many of them change to -ies for the plural.

Words that end in es or ies?

Some plural nouns that end in -es or -ies are:baby, babiesberry, berriesbox, boxesbranch, branchesflash, flashesfox, foxesglass, glassesguess, guesseskiss, kissesmatch, matchesmiss, missespony, poniesquiz, quizzesshelf, shelvesstory, storieswaltz, waltzeswatch, watcheswish, wisheswolf, wolveswrench, wrenches

What is the plural of vicinity?

Vicinities, almost all plurals of words that end "y" is "ies".

Why does keys not end with 'ies'?

Words that drop the ending "y" and add "-ies" are those for which the penultimate letter of the word is a consonant. As the penultimate letter of keys is a vowel, the final consonant y is retained and an s is added at the end.

Why and when do you use ies in some words that end in y and not in all the words?

When forming the plural of singular words that end in the letter Y, the Y is removed and replaced by IE, followed by the S. Examples : property / properties -- city / cities -- viscosity / viscosities

Words that end in the vowel y and add es?

Some words that end in the vowel y and add es to form the plural are alley, journey, and key.

What is the rule for adding ies to the end of words that end in y?

If the word has a consonant before the final 'y' then the plural ends with 'ies':baby - babiespuppy - puppiesbully - bullieslily - liliesIf the word has a vowel before the final y then you just add an 's':day - daysmonkey - monkeystoy - toyssurvey - surveys

What is the suffix of the word duties?

The suffix in the word duties is -ies. This suffix just makes words plural.

What are some plural nouns that end with ies?

Some examples of nouns that the plural form ends with -ies are:try, triesfry, friessupply, suppliesparty, partiespanty, pantiespatty, pattieslady, ladiesbaby, babiesworry, worriescherry, cherries