There are no English words you can make using only those letters.
The only formal words using those letters are egg and eggs.
If using all letters, you can only make caplets and placets, but, if you use only some of the letters, you can make 219 words including caplets and placets.
Some words you can make with Mississippi are:ImissispipippisssipsisThis one is limited by using only one vowel.
"Communication: Ammunition in a mountain. Count on it!"
The longest English words you can make using only those letters are five-letter words: badge, cadge, caged, decaf, faced, fadge
There are no English Scrabble words you can make using those letters only one time. Here are some words you can make if you repeat some of the letters.7-letter wordsabollae, aboulia, abubble, labella, libelee, lobelia
You cannot make a word using only A, B, E, F & M. But you can make the following words: 3 letter word: mae 4 letter words: fame bema beam
The state flag of California is in the public domain.
The state flag of California is in the public domain.
Samba is the only 5 letter word you can make with those letters
None. There are no vowels among the Roman Numerals.