There are no English words that meet the criteria. However, if you double the J and U you can make juju.
Words from the letters "make" include:ammame
There are no complete Englilsh words you can make with the letters MPT.
it is the 28th juz, which starts with surah mujadalah
Some words you can make with 'these letters' are:eelellesteretherheheelherleelesslestletreelresetrestseeseetheseersetsetteesettersettleshesheersheetsleetstreettestthetheethesetreetress
Words that can be spelled with the letters 'curydao' are:aadadoarccadcarcardcaycodcordcoycrudcrycudcurddaydodourdryduooarororcaourracyrayroadrodyardyouyour
Bob letters are words that me did make
There are no words that contain all of these letters. The longest words you can make have 10 letters (from a total of 12). They are:ScamperingWingspread
Words that can be made from the letters in MAKE are:aammame
Some words formed using the letters LLEDNCE:CedeCeeCelledCelCellDeDeeDeleDelDellDeneDenEdEelElEldEllEndEnLedLedeLeeLendNeedNeNee
Words that can be made with the letters BLEEDS are:bebedbeebleddebedeelledleeseeseedsled
Words that can be made from the letters 'DELETS' are:eeleldestelseledleelestletseeseedsetsledsleetsteedsteeltee
Words that can be made with the letters 'simsle' are:elmIisisleleilesslielimememessmilmilemisssisslimslimesmile