Palindromes. The word comes from the Greek words palin (meaning "again") and dromos (meaning "direction.") Examples include: Hannah, race car, and civic.
Words that are spelled the same when read forwards or backwards are called palindromes.
See the 'related links' below for a great selection of palindromes
That is called a palindrome, like: mom, wow, Hannah,racecar,mad'am I'm Adam, pop,
A palindrome. The word comes from the Greek words palin (meaning "again") and dromos (meaning "direction.") Examples include: Hannah, race car, and civic.
The word is called a palindrome.
Examples include these words and phrases:
Was it a cat I saw?
A Santa at NASA
Do geese see god?
Otto saw pup, pup was Otto
A man, a plan, a canal : Panama.
They're called palindromes.
Words that change when spelled backwards are called anagrams.
Both racecar and kayak are spelled the same forward and backward. These types of words and phrases are called "palindromes."
A word that is spelled the same forwards and backwards is called a palindrome. There are several of these words. Some examples are, rotor, racecar, sexes, and level.
A palindrome is a word that is spelled the same backward as forward.
In the above equation, Hannah equals Hannah. The proof is that 'racecar' spelled backwards is 'racecar'. Hannah spelled backwards is Hannah. Both words are palindromes, words that are spelled the same forward and backward.
These are called Palindromes. Some examples would be racecar, level, and radar.
Words that are spelled forwards but mean something different when spelled backwards are called heteropalindromes. These words create different meanings when reversed, unlike regular palindromes which read the same forwards and backwards. Heteropalindromes are a fascinating linguistic phenomenon that showcases the complexity and versatility of the English language.
Words that spell a different word when spelled backwards are called anagrams.