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Sin - kin - vine - vines - ken - kin - is - vie -

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Q: What words are hidden in the word knives?
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Is knives an adverb?

No, it is not. The word knives is a plural noun.

What is a word search?

A word search is a puzzle with many columns, in which you must find the words listed at the bottom of a page. The words are hidden diagonally, vertically, and horizontally in a box with many letters. It is a puzzle where words are hidden and you have to search and find the words to complete the puzzle.

Is search a word?

A word search is a puzzle with many columns, in which you must find the words listed at the bottom of a page. The words are hidden diagonally, vertically, and horizontally in a box with many letters. It is a puzzle where words are hidden and you have to search and find the words to complete the puzzle.

How do you use the word knives in a sentence?

i have a many knives in my house

What is another word for concealed in 6 words?

If you mean letters, it's hidden.

What does the Greek word crypto mean?

A combining form meaning “hidden,” “secret,” used in the formation of compound words: cryptograph.

How many words can you make out of knives?

Words that can be made with the letters in 'knives' are:IInInk, InksIsI'veKinSinsineSinkskeinSkiSkinVein. Veinsvie, viesVine, Vinesvise

What does the word knives mean?

The word knives is the plural (more than one) of the word knife - a blade with a handle for cutting things.

Words instead of the word secret?

hidden, covert, arcane, obscure, esoteric, classified,