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Appalling, Abysmal, Deplorable

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Q: What word politicians always seem to use describe the living conditions in slums?
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What social problem did Upton Sinclair's novel The Jungle describe?

The living and working conditions in Chicago's stockyards.

What were living conditions like in Japan in 1929?

With the exception of cultural differences; the living conditions were basically the same. Politics for the politicians, traffic in the cities, unemployment in certain areas, city traffic, city noise, trains, buses, cars, people going to work, etc.

What words describe the living conditions of many migrant farm workers?

poor, dirty, depressive, etc

What were the living conditions during the black death?

It was always night time and peole died.

What social problem did Upton Sinclair's novel jungle describe?

The Jungle described the living and working conditions in Chicago's stockyards.

Describe living conditions in the state of nature?

In the state of nature, people live without organized society or government. Living conditions can be harsh, with individuals needing to rely on their own skills and resources for survival. Competition for resources and potential conflict with others are common in this state.

Describe a lady's living conditions in the manor?

living conditions were quite difficult. filth, rats, and fleas caused disease. however, nobles had an easier time keeping clean than the poor because they had servants to scrub and clean their homes.

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How long do human's live?

depends on living conditions depends on living conditions

When was Living Conditions created?

Living Conditions was created on 1999-10-12.

What were the Living conditions in 1945?

Living conditions in 1945 varied significantly depending on location and social class. In general, many countries were recovering from the devastation of World War II, leading to shortages of food, housing, and basic necessities. Cities that had been bombed were in ruins, while rural areas faced disruptions in agriculture. People often had to make do with limited resources and rationing systems.

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