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Q: What word means not following suit when able to do so in a card game?
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A card means you are given a warning and a card means you are ejected from the game?

A yellow card is a warning a red card means you have to leave the pitch and miss a game as well.

What words starts with can that means a card game?

Canasta is a card game.

What card game in spanish means one?

The spanish card game uno.

What does a Nintendo DS game card do?

A Nintendo DS game card contains all the information your system needs to be able to play the video game. It is what the Nintendo DS reads to be able to play the video game.

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How do you use action replay without a game card?

After Action Replay is loaded, you can take the game card out. Then, you will be able to use it's features without the action replay game card (you usually put in the game you wish to hack) * This is wrong, I mean that take the game card out and still have action replay in the ds but without the game card while playing a game.

Can you buy video game dlc with your Debit card?

You should be able to

How do you enter a World of Warcraft game card?

Log in either on your game screen or on the Blizzard site, click "Account Management", and you'll be able to enter your game card time there.

Red card suspension?

You can get a red card by getting 2 yellow cards in a game. If you get a 2nd yellow yard that equals a red card that means you have to sit out for the rest of the game oyu receive the card and the next game you are playing. If you get a red card its the same sit out for rest of the game and next game. Hope this helps

What is the age to be able to play the card game of Pokemon?

Wait, nevermind, if it's the CARD game, then I'm not sure. An age, as long as you know what's going on, I suppose.