There are total of 9 letters in this word, and you spell it "exploding"
The letters spell the word enactor. It is a valid 9 point scrabble word that means one who enacts.
The letters spell the 9 letter word carambola. It is a tropical fruit.
Those letters spell realists and trailers.
Those letters will spell fragrance.
The letters do not spell any 13 letter word. However they can be used to spell the 9 letter word instincts.
If you use all 9 letters from 'ice and out', you can spell 'auctioned', 'cautioned' and 'education.'
The letters can be used to spell the 11 letter word nonathletic. They also spell the 9 letter word attention.
Those letters can be used to spell "barbarian".
Those letters spell the nine letter word gambolled.
The nine letters ALTEDOCHN unscramble to spell "decathlon".
There don't seem to be any common words with 8 letters. 9 letters : cameraman, cameramen 7 letters : macrame