The adjective 'brawling' describes the woman. Some synonyms for the term 'brawling woman' could be shrew, fishwife, or battle-ax are among the unflattering terms.
Brawling means fighting wildly, a melee. Here are some sentences.He was arrested for brawling after the big bar fight.Brawling is a destructive habit.His brawling kept him in trouble with his friends.
Wonder Woman a Jane of all trades
A brawling woman is someone who frequently engages in physical fights or arguments with others. This term can carry a negative connotation and is often used to describe women who are aggressive or confrontational in their interactions with others.
I would use the general term: Male chauvinist
Kurayami: Tender and tough. (thats all I could think of)
Termagant is a violent, turbulent, or brawling woman. Also in Medieval Europe, Termagant was the name given to a god that the Europeans believed Muslims worshipped.
There are 85 words that match:AbashingAbducingAbeggingAbettingAbjuringAblatingAborningAbortingAbradingAbuttingAccedingAccruingAccusingAdaptingAdducingAdeemingAdheringAdjuringAdmiringAdmixingAdoptingAdorningAdvisingAeratingAffixingAgentingAgistingAgnizingAgreeingAirthingAlarmingAlertingAliasingAlibiingAlieningAligningAllayingAllegingAllowingAlloyingAlludingAlluringAlteringAmassingAmendingAmercingAnearingAngelingAngeringAnnexingAnnoyingAntidrugAntigangAntikingAntismogAnvilingAnythingApplyingApposingAproningAqualungArcadingArmoringArousingArrayingArrivingArrowingAspiringAssayingAssumingAssuringAthelingAttiringAttuningAuditingAuguringAvailingAvengingAverringAvertingAviatingAvoidingAvulsingAwaitingAwarding
as a wise woman
The pronoun in the sentence is "their," which is used to refer to the woman hero in the story.
Romeo describes the woman as a beautiful girl that doesn't love him back.