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Q: What were Ancient African storytellers called?
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What were African storytellers called?


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What are the ancient story tellers from Africa?

Griots is the term for African storytellers. Most of the African tradition are still hand down in an oral traditions. The position of griots would be one of great respect.

What role did storytellers play in education of African children?

The storytellers kept alive their village's oral history.

What role storytellers play in the education of African children?

The storytellers kept alive their village's oral history.

What role did storytellers play in the education of African children?

The storytellers kept alive their village's oral history.

Who were the teachers in the African's villages?

Giots were the teachers and storytellers.

Names of ancient storytellers?

One of the first storytellers of mankind that we have written works of is Homer the great epic poet of ancient Greece who is famous for two epic poems the Iliad and Odyssey.

What are storytellers in mali called?

They are called griots.

What instruments do west African storytellers use?

One would be the thumb piano. There are undoubtedly others.

What were Entertainers such as singers tumblers jugglers clowns or storytellers who wandered about Europe during the medieval period called?

Entertainers such as singers, tumbler, jugglers, clowns or storytellers who wandered about Europe during the medieval period called were called minstrels and jongulers.

What do African oral traditions preserve?

African oral traditions preserve the history, beliefs, cultural values, and stories of different African communities. They are significant in passing down ancestral knowledge, rituals, and customs from one generation to another. These traditions also provide insights into African spirituality, social structures, and the experiences of the people.