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Theodore Roosevelt
It was named for President Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt. The name was inspired by a rather complicated story involving a bear hunt in which that Roosevelt participated and a resulting political cartoon.

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8y ago
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12y ago

It was named after Theodore Roosevelt because his nickname was Teddy, and he got that nickname when he went on a hunting trip and refused to shoot and kill a bear cub, so, therefore, in honor of the President; Theodore Roosevelt, the name of the small children's stuffed bear toy is called "the teddy bear."

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11y ago

It was named after Theodore Roosevelt. When he was hunting he saw a bear that was about to get shot and so he stopped it before the bear is killed.
Teddy bears got their name from Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt.

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13y ago

Teddy Roosevelt refused to shoot a baby bear so they decided to invent the teddy bear.

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11y ago

a teddy bear is named after our president Theodore Roosevelt. Theodore found a bear and refused to shoot it so the teddy bear is a symbol of Theodore.

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9y ago

Teddy bears were named after the American president, Theodore Roosevelt.

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13y ago

Teddy bears got their name from Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt, Teddy is a long-standing nickname for Theodore.

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14y ago

it did because its a teddy bear

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What is rosavelts connection with the teddy bear?

the teddy bear was named after teddy rosvelt i think because he was still president when they were made or he made them but anyways the teddy bear was named after teddy Roosevelt

How was the teddy bear named?

They were named after President Teddy Roosevelt.

What popular childrens toy is named after Theodore Rosevelt?

US President Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt had the "Teddy" bear named after him. The Teddy bear is a popular toy often given as gifts on Christmas and also birthdays to young and old alike.

What teddy was named after a famous person?

The teddy bear is named after Theodore Roosevelt. Teddy is short for Theodore.

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The cast of A Bear Named Teddy - 2012 includes: Jeremy Ordaz as Dad

Who had stuffed quadruped named in his honor?

Teddy Roosevelt: teddy bear :)

What made a toy maker create the teddy bear?

it was named after President Teddy Roosevelt when he killed a bear

When was the teddy bear named?

Theodore Roosevelt

Who was the teddy bear name after?

The teddy bear was named for Theodore Roosevelt by Morris Michtom who made and sold them. Legend has it that it was named after Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt after he refused to shoot a bear cub on a hunting expedition.

Who is named after the teddy bear?

Morris Mitchtom was inspired by the little bear in Clifford Berryman's cartoon bear in editorial cartoons about Theodore Roosevelt, who was known by the public as "Teddy." Mitchtom made homemade toy bears and called them "Teddy's bears," and the name stuck.

Why was thearadore roosevits nikname teddy bare?

His nickname wasn't Teddy Bear; the teddy bear was named after him because on a hunting trip he refused to shoot a bear cub.

Are teddy and theadore roosavelt related?

yes, teddy is a nickname for theodore, the teddy bear is named after him.