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A Chaos Predator costs 70 pts without upgrades. Upgrading the autocannon to a twin-linked lascannon: 35 pts

Take side sponsons with heavy bolters (30 pts) or lascannons (60 pts).

Dozer blade: 5 pts

Extra armour: 15 pts

Daemonic possession: 20 pts

Dirge Caster: 5 pts

One of the following pintle mounted weapons:

- Twin-linked bolter: 5 pts

- Combi weapon: 10 pts

- Havoc launcher: 15 pts

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It varies depending on how it is armed, but due to copyright we can't tell any points values.

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Q: What us the point cost of a chaos space marine predator?
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Answer15 Points

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It should say so in your codex, but to my knowledge it is 10

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All points values can be found on the Game Workshop website - as can stat and options.