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The Goodness gang are different sizes it depends what one you want! hope this helped

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Q: What size are the goodness gang plush toys?
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What is the name of the plush stuffed toys with the outline of bones on them?

Skelanimals are stuffed plush toys that have skeleton designs on them.

What is the best way to clean plush toys?

You can throw plush toys in the washer and clean them pretty well.

How long have webkinz plush toys been around?

Webkinz plush toys have been around since 2005.

Can teenagers still keep plush toys?

yes don't worry teens can still keep plush toys

What are the most popular animal plush toys?

The most popular plush toys are kittens, dogs and teddy bears.

Can we find plush toys for sports teams?

There are many sporting good stores that sell plush toys for your favorite teams.

What are some good plush toys for babies?

The top plush toys for babies in 2011 so far are the Angry Birds series, Hello Kitty and the Webkinz. For more information check out

Do any plush toys contain magnets?

There are some magnetized plush toys. Plaja Magnetic Monkey is a toy that fits this discription.

What is the price range for the plush toys?

Plush toys of all brands including Despicable Me plush toys vary in price according to the popularity and type of toy. The prices start at just under $20.00 and can go as high as over $50.00.

Are there any plush toys for dogs?

Most pet stores and even your local Walmart offer a variety of plush toys for your furry friend.

Where can you buy a max goof plush doll?

Where can you buy max goof plush toys

Are there Super Smash Bros.. plush toys?

no no no no no no