The letters 'shurbom' are an anagram for RHOMBUS.
Anagrams for shape are heaps and phase.
The anagram of the letters 'rottenheard' is tetrahedron.A tetrahedron is a polyhedron made up of four triangular faces
Those letters spell an octahedron.
Apesh is an anagram of the following words: heaps Pesah phase SHAPE
icosahedron (its a 20 sided trinagular faced polyhedron)
what is anagram for inch? what is anagram for keen? what is anagram for earth? what is anagram for fringe? what is anagram for satchmo? what is anagram for throne?
anagram of polite
Lemon is an anagram for melon or melon is an anagram for lemon.
The anagram for "nights" is "things".
The anagram of "gun" is "nug".
The anagram of cat is act.The anagram of rat or tar is art.The anagram of ship is hips.The anagram of owl is low.