Words that can be made with the letters 'sta' are a, as, at.
Words that can be made from the letters 'chhtaet' are:aaceacheactahatatecatcatechatcheateacheatetchhahahhathatchhatchethatehathheheatheathtacttatteateachteatthatchthetheta
These are all the words which can be made from the TWL (the Scrabble dictionary):ab aibabibizfafabfibfizfubifvauviazaThese are some words that can be made with one more letter:azukibaizabaizebravibuffifauvefavusfibulafubarfuzilhafiznubiaurbia
Some words that can be made from the letters in celebrate are:baleratelaterebatecrateatecleatcabbartealbeatbeetbearbareteateartarebatcattalccrab
Words that can be made from the letters in 'slate' are:aaleasatateeatlalealastlatesalesaltsatsateseasealsetstealtaleteateal
Some words that can be made from the letters 'unravel' are:aaleanareaveeareralalanelaveleanlunarlurenavelnearranraveravelravenrealrevruerulerunvalevaluevanvealvernal
Words that can be made from the letters in facing are:aacinganCanfagfangfainFigfinGinIifinnag
These are all that can be made usingthe TWL (the Scrabble dictionary):egoenengenoweongengogonegownnenegnewnonognowoeononeowoweownwewenwowoewogwon
Words that can be made from the letters ACTION are:aactanantatcancantcatcoinconIiconinionitnitnonotoatontantintotontonic
Words that can be made from the letters in 'which' are:chihiI
Words that can be made from the letters in 'acorn' are:aanarccancarconcornnoroaronororcaranroan
Six four-letter words can be made from these letters usingthe TWL, (the Scrabble dictionary).inroironjoinnoirnoriruin