Pyrex, a strong heat-resistant glass
No English Scrabble words end with QI. However, you can make the word Iraqi (not a Scrabble word).
"NEEM" is a valid Scrabble word, but there are no words that end with it.
In Pig Latin, "Rex" would be "Ex-ray." The first letter "R" is moved to the end of the word and the suffix "ay" is added. So "Rex" becomes "Ex-ray."
Since the word "rex" is Latin for "king," it's only logical to note that the German word for "rex" is "könig" - the German word for "king."
No English Scrabble words end with QI. However, you can make the word Iraqi (not a Scrabble word).
The cast of A Rex Beach Week-End - 1922 includes: Rex Beach as himself
"DEVEIN" is the only word that matches.
No. T. rex lived at the end of the Cretaceous.
Dmedia T-REX ended in 2008.
T. Rex - band - ended in 1977.
Rex the Runt ended on 2001-12-16.