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Q: What policy did slave owners favor?
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Who was in favor of the Mexican American War?

Southern Slave Owners.

Why did many slave owners not favor the northwest ordinance?

Because they are retards

What was the policy slave owners favored?

This is the one I learned that slave owners would say "Blacks are animals, you don't treat animals the same way you treat humans," I just can't even comprehend how immoral and cruel slave owners were.

What is the duration of Clay vs Calhoun?

the court decided that slave owners should be allowed to reclaim their slaves this was in the favor of calhoun

Slave owners favored this policy instead of the one that created a strong federal government?


What policy did slave owners favored instead of the one that created s strong federal government?

nullification .

How Did slave owners support their use of slaves?

slave owners supported their use of slaves by saying they were good for the economy and because they were doing them a favor by letting them as slaves because they actually got a house and food for free unlike factory workers who had to rent it

What happened on the slave ship zong?

The Zong was a slave ship that was used by a Liverpool slave trading operation. The owners took out an insurance policy on the slaves as cargo. When there was not enough potable water for everyone, a massacre began. Some of the slaves were thrown overboard and some were kept. The owners then tried to cash in the insurance policy on the lost cargo but were refused.

Which of these favored a laissez policy because it allowed them to do as they please?

Generally, business owners were in favor of laissez-faire systems because the business owners would be free of any and all regulations.

How did the fugitive slave act favor the southhh?

The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 favored the South by requiring that escaped slaves be returned to their owners, even if they were caught in free states. This law strengthened the institution of slavery by making it easier for slave owners to capture and reclaim their escaped slaves, ensuring the continued use of slave labor in the South.

Who was involved in the fugitive slave law?

The Fugitive Slave Law was part of the Compromise of 1850 and involved Southern slave owners, Northern abolitionists, and runaways slaves. It required that escaped slaves be returned to their owners, leading to tensions between states and further polarizing the nation on the issue of slavery.

Who benefitted from the slave trade?

the white men benifitted, slave owners