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seer, prophet, soothsayer, sibyl, predictor, diviner, oracle, clairvoyant, forecaster, prognosticator, psychic

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Q: What person can see into the future?
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Related questions

What does a person called who can see future?


What is a phecnopath?

A phecnopath is a person who can see the future in there dreams and/or can see ghosts.

What is the indicated conjugation of the following verb to see Third person plural future passive voice?

The third person plural future passive form of "to see" is "will be seen"

Who is a Autistic savant with ability to see the future?

There is no such thing as a person who can see the future, that is fantasy. Autistic people and savants are not psychics, they are just Autistic and/or savants.

What if you hardly get to see him?

If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend and you hardly ever get to see him/her it probably wont work out. If you are going to plan on having a future with that person it needs to be a person that you can be with if you need them.

What is the definition to oracle?

An Oracle is a person who can see or predict the future, considered wise or prophetic.

Telephone in the future?

In the future when you ring you can automatically see the person who you are talking to and your mobile phone will do whatever you tell it to without you pressing any buttons

Is what you see is not what you see?

Future. You can see your future but you can't touch it.

How can you see your future?

you can't see your future.

What is alice's ability in the book Twilight?

She can see the future as long as that person is sure what path they want to take. Although she cannot see the wolves future or anyone elses, ie Bella's if their paths cross.

What special power does Alice have?

Alice Cullen's special power, or gift, is seeing into the future. She can only see the future for vampires, because she is one, and humans, because she was one. Alice cannot see the future for werewolves, however. When the person changes their mind, so does the vision. And, if someone is smart enough to know that Alice can see into the future and they don't make a decision, she sees a confusing blur.

Can i see into the future?

no you can't see into the future nobody can.