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Not too sure what you mean by modifications, but I'll have a go.

A basic one is those little flaps on the side of the wings; always a good one to keep it stable. I'm not sure what the different between flaps that go up or down.

Another is the stabilizer, by a simple vertical cut in the body of the airplane (The strip you hold), then folding the other way so it makes a triangle which stabilizes the airplane.

Then there is my personal favorite: ailerons. If you don't know what they are, I advise you to look them up, they are very interesting.

You can make them by cutting two slots out of the back of both wings. Make two cuts on a wing and you should get a small rectangle that can be folded up or down. Do this to both, and by changing their position before flight, they can make the plane do many things, it's cool to experiment.

Hope these help!

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12y ago

If the nose of the plane is shooting upwards when launched then a paper clip can be added to the nose to weight it. A bit of experimentation moving the clip backwards and forwards along the bottom paper fold will allow you to find the best place for it.

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