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Q: What materials are used to make a tamagotchi?
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How do you make your tamagotchi turn into a certain tamagotchi?

It will turn into any tamagotchi depending on the way that you raise it

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How do you make your tamagotchi grow faster without debugging it?

You can't make your Tamagotchi grow faster without debugging it. Plus, debugging a tamagotchi doesn't mean it's growing faster...

Tamagotchi v4 and you want to how to make a tamagotchi evolve?

basically just look after it and make sure it is always happy and not hungry :)

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The materials used to make cement are,Calcareous materials (limestone)Argillaceous materials (clay)gypsumCoal dustIron oxidemagnesiumAlkalies

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Wool or Cotton. They are both materials that can be used to make a blanket.

What Materials are used to make a blanket?

Wool or Cotton. They are both materials that can be used to make a blanket.

How do you make your tamagotchi an adult?

you either have to wait or you can debug it. but you can only debug an American version tamagotchi.

How do you make the tamagotchi parents stay in tamagotchi music star?

You can't. Sadly, they always leave

If I reset your Tamagotchi can I make twins?
