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Q: What makes a loud piercing noise that suddenly wakes you up and jolts your body when you are dozing off to sleep?
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Can navel piercing migation be down to growth What can happen if you get a navel piercing age 14 or 15?

Your question "Can navel piercing migration be down to growth" makes no sense.

Will a piercing scar if you have only had it three months?

As long as there is jewellery in the piercing the piercing will not scar, it will form new tissue that makes up the piercing. If the jewellery is removed before the piercing is allowed to heal completely this tissue will join together and form scar tissue.

Can you use alcohol on a new piercing?

Nope. It makes it raw and causes keloids

What happens if your tongue piercing goes wrong?

It makes your body not try to heal.

When can you take belly button piercings out?

Navel piercing that are a year old are considered "seasoned" and can go without jewellery for any where from a day to several days. Removing the jewellery from an "unseasoned" piercing can lead to loss of the piercing and undue trauma to the newly forming tissue that makes up the piercing.

How long is the least before you can take your belly bar out?

Navel piercing that are a year old are considered "seasoned" and can go without jewellery for any where from a day to several days. Removing the jewellery from an "unseasoned" piercing can lead to loss of the piercing and undue trauma to the newly forming tissue that makes up the piercing.

Would i suit a helix piercing?

Well that is a discussion you need to have with your professional body piercer. Not being able to see what you have to work with makes it difficult to see if the Helix piercing will work for you.

Does piercing your nose make you gay?

No, but it makes you unemployable in some professions (just being honest).

Can you take out cartliage pericing and put a piercing retainers in?

Yes you can put retainers in just about any piercing, just be sure to do it after you have cleaned the piercings, it makes getting the retainers in a bit easier.

What will happen if i take out my industrial piercing a few days after you pierced it?

Well simply put the piercing will close, any time you get a piercing and remove the jewellery a few days after the piercing has been done the body will attempt to repair the damamge by closing the piercing. Jewellery should not be removed for any reason other than to get rid of the piercing, once the jewellery is out and then reinserted at a later date, the fine new tissue that was trying to form now becomes scar tissue instead of the fine fistula that makes up the piercing tissue.

What type of rash makes blotches of tiny blisters and feels like sharp piercing needles?


What makes a seemingly healthy cat suddenly become unsociable?

There could be various reasons for a seemingly healthy cat to become unsociable, such as stress, changes in their environment, medical issues, or discomfort/pain. It's important to observe their behavior, consult with a veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues, and make sure their living environment is comfortable and suitable for their needs.