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Q: What literary device is the sentence the pizza was hotter than the Sahara Desert in the summer?
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What is the literary device in this sentence the east edge of the earth was easily seen?

The literary device in this sentence is personification. This is because it attributes human traits, such as visibility, to the "east edge of the earth."

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Which literary device is used in this sentence The loud clicking of the timer was making you dizzy?

This sentence uses onomatopoeia, a literary device where words sound like the noise they describe. The word "clicking" imitates the sound of the timer in this sentence.

What is the literary device used in this sentence?

In order to identify the literary device used in a sentence, I would need to know the specific sentence you are referring to. Literary devices can include metaphors, similes, personification, imagery, alliteration, etc. Each device conveys meaning in a unique way.

Which literary device is used in this sentence The seals swam freely through the icy sea.?

The literary device used in this sentence is personification, as the seals are given human-like qualities by suggesting that they are swimming freely.

What literary device is used in How are you now brown cow?

Assonance is the literary device used in the phrase "How are you now brown cow", where the similar vowel sounds of the words "now" and "brown" are repeated.

What literary device is Sally ran faster than a herd of stampeding buffalo?

That is a hyperbole.

What literary device can be found in this sentence "stop your tears boy"?

I don’t know

Which literary device is used in this sentence The White House announced that the treaty would be signed next Thursday.?

The literary device used in this sentence is personification, as it attributes human qualities (the ability to announce) to the White House.

What is the literary device in this sentence the lemonade was colder than an ice berg in the Artctic?

The literary device in this sentence is a simile. It compares the coldness of the lemonade to the extreme coldness of an iceberg in the Arctic using the word "than" to establish the relationship.

Which literary device is used in the sentence The east edge of the earth was easily seen?

The literary device used in the sentence is personification, as it attributes human-like qualities (being seen) to an inanimate object, the east edge of the earth.

Which literary device is used in this sentence The rancher hired three new hands to help with the branding of the cattle.?

The literary device used in this sentence is personification, as it attributes human-like qualities to the cattle by suggesting they are being branded as if they were human.